Msg From Desk - Principal


Dear Parents,
“In a myriad miraculous way our lives may be shaped and our days may change only if we have the liberty to express ourselves in any form to make ourselves known and loved.’

Greetings & Welcome to CGPS website

Education is a portion which can cure countless maladies as it generates consciousness towards development, society & Nation. There is potential divinity in every human soul and education aspires to manifest this latent divinity in every individual. The purpose of education is to dispel error and discover truth. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan rightly said,

“Education to be complete, must be humane, it must not include only the training of the intellect but also the refinement of the discipline of the spirit.”

Recognising the immense esteem of education, CGPS prioritizes : Child Centered Education” which encompasses concept based learning and is supplemented by a variety of co-curricular activities including sports, field trips, project methods, inculcating the 21st Century Skills. With this approach the fountainhead of Wisdom is always Vibrating in the CeeGeePians.

At CGPS the CeeGeePians are carefully nurtured and their minds are kindled “How to Think & not What to Think.” They are encouraged “To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower.”
Strict discipline not regimentation, pursuit of excellence with the confidence to face the world is the Philosophy of CGPS. Our vision has always been to sensitize our students towards their environmental responsibilities through the programmes like “Clean Campus Campaign”, “Beach Cleaning drive & Tree plantation”. We are sure that our efforts will complement our aspirations for an overall development of our student. CGPS endeavours to give a direction to the fiery zeal and imagination prevailing in the radiant minds evidently displaying our motto – “Education for Excellence”.

“To reach the unreachable star, this is our quest to follow that star, no matter how difficult, no matter how far.”

Mrs Anne Mary Gonsalves