

1. Admissions are open to all children.

2. A candidate securing admission in preparatory class and Std. 1st must procure an official birth certificate in support of date of birth. A CANDIDATE WILL NOT BE ADMITTED IN THE ABSENCE OF A BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Candidates seeking admission to higher classes must produce a School Leaving/Transfer Certificate from a recognized school, and must be counter signed by concerned education officer, if the candidate is migrating from another state of India to Gujarat. Aadhaar card of the candidate is also mandatory at the time of admission.

(a) Fresh admissions for the academic year shall be conducted during the preceding winter vacation by advertisement /promulgation.

(b) Children seeking new admissions shall be required to register prior admission on the prescribed form available at the School office.

(c) Applications for admission shall be submitted to the Principal in the prescribed form available in the school office.

(d) Original birth certificate shall be verified at the time of admission. The birth certificate should be from the Municipality or corporation or registrar of births. Certified extracts of the date of birth from the official records of the village Panchayat, the service records of defence personnel, Transfer Certificate issued by the previous school recognized by the state education department shall also be accepted.

(e) A written test shall be conducted for all fresh admissions and students shall be considered only after successful passing of the test. Successful passing of the test shall not automatically bestow right of admission which shall be governed by availability of vacancies in that class/section.

(f) The norms for minimum age for admission shall be as stipulated by the CBSE / Director of Education. As per Kendriya Vidyalaya guidelines, a child must be 5 years old on 31st March in the academic year in which admission is being sought. The minimum and maximum age for admission to various classes as on 31st March of the year in which admission is sought is as follows

(a) Fresh admissions for the academic year shall be conducted during the preceding winter vacation by advertisement /promulgation.

(a) Fresh admissions for the academic year shall be conducted during the preceding winter vacation by advertisement /promulgation.

(a) Fresh admissions for the academic year shall be conducted during the preceding winter vacation by advertisement /promulgation.

(a) Fresh admissions for the academic year shall be conducted during the preceding winter vacation by advertisement /promulgation.

The order of priority for admission shall be as follows

  • (i) Children of serving Coast Guard personnel.
  • (ii) Children of retired Coast Guard personnel.
  • (iii) Children of serving Army, Navy and Air Force personnel.
  • (iv) Children of retired Army, Navy and Air Force personnel.
  • (v) Children of Central Government / State Govt / Daman Administration employees.
  • (vi) Open Category.
  • 3.  A candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe must produce an official caste/tribe certificate duly signed by competent authority.

    4.  Admissions are given on merit basis subject to vacancy in the respective class.

    5.  Names & details filled in admission form will be used for Board formalities. No change at a later date is permissible.

    There are fifteen year groups in the school; Nursery through Class IX & XI. Throughout the school, each class has a class teacher and subject teachers for different subjects. Each year group from Nursery up to Class IX & XI is divided into three divisions. The strength in every division is by choice of 40 students.


    1.  When it is desired to withdraw a child, a month’s clear notice to that effect from 1st of the month must be given or one month’s fees will be charged. If the notice given is less than one month, the fees due at the beginning will be issued against ’No Dues Certificate’.

    2.  Pupils who leave the School in October or earlier will pay one term fee. Those who withdraw after October will be required to pay a full term fees.

    3.  The Principal may in the interest of the School, ask a parent to remove a pupil at o before the end of the current term. If the pupil’s conduct, behavior or influence, in the Principal’s opinion, be in any way detrimental, to the principles of the School, or if the pupil is unable or unwilling to profit by the educational advantages of the school.

    4.  It is advised that if a pupil is not able to adjust to the academic standard of the school, and cannot clear the exams, she/he should change school in her/his own interest.

    5.  Pupils will be withdrawn for irregular attendance without sufficient reasons or nonpayment of School fees for two months in succession.